Nebbiolo d’Alba DOC

    Nebbiolo d’Alba DOC: This red appellation is located in the Langhe, close to the town of Alba. The wine is 100% Nebbiolo and it has also 2 sparkling versions: one red and one rose’. The sparkling wines can be produced with the Martinotti Method or with the Metodo Classico. We are working on this Nebbiolo d’Alba DOC appellation description.Please come back soon.Send us an e-mail if you are looking for more info atcheers@drinkitalian.com In the meantime, if you are in the mood for a good book, you can try:– The Modern History of Italian Wine by Walter Filipputti– Hidden Gems of Italy: An Insider’s Secret Formula To Find Top-Class Italian Wines At Value Prices…

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    Monferrato DOC

    Monferrato DOC: Monferrato is a very important appellation and it takes the name of the whole area. For that reason, it is pretty big and it includes white and red wines. The white varietals are Arneis, Chardonnay, Favorita, Riesling, Nascetta, Rossese Bianco, Sauvignon. The red vatietals are Barbera, Dolcetto, Nebbiolo, Freisa, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Nero, Merlot. There is also a rose’ version that can be made with Barbera, Bonarda, Cabernet Franc, Dolcetto, Freisa, Grignolino, Nebbiolo, Pinot Nero. We are working on this Monferrato DOC appellation description.Please come back soon.Send us an e-mail if you are looking for more info atcheers@drinkitalian.com In the meantime, if you are in the mood for a…

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    Malvasia di Castelnuovo Don Bosco DOC

    Malvasia di Castelnuovo Don Bosco DOC: This red appellation is located in the Asti area. It is made with Malvasia di Schierano o Malvasia Lunga Nera (min 85% to 100%) and Freisa (max. 15%). We are working on this Malvasia di Castelnuovo Don Bosco DOC appellation description.Please come back soon.Send us an e-mail if you are looking for more info atcheers@drinkitalian.com In the meantime, if you are in the mood for a good book, you can try:– The Modern History of Italian Wine by Walter Filipputti– Hidden Gems of Italy: An Insider’s Secret Formula To Find Top-Class Italian Wines At Value Prices And Taste La Dolce Vita by Tony Margiotta Additionally, you can discover the…

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    Malvasia di Casorzo d’Asti / Malvasia di Casorzo / Casorzo DOC

    Malvasia di Casorzo d’Asti / Malvasia di Casorzo / Casorzo DOC: This appellation is located in the Asti area. It is made with at least 90% Malvasia di Casorzo We are working on this Malvasia di Casorzo d’Asti / Malvasia di Casorzo / Casorzo DOC appellation description.Please come back soon.Send us an e-mail if you are looking for more info atcheers@drinkitalian.com In the meantime, if you are in the mood for a good book, you can try:– The Modern History of Italian Wine by Walter Filipputti– Hidden Gems of Italy: An Insider’s Secret Formula To Find Top-Class Italian Wines At Value Prices And Taste La Dolce Vita by Tony Margiotta Additionally, you can discover the…

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    Loazzolo DOC

    Loazzolo DOC: This is an appellation only for white wines. It is made with 100% Moscato Bianco and it is a still wine. We are working on this Loazzolo DOC appellation description.Please come back soon.Send us an e-mail if you are looking for more info atcheers@drinkitalian.com In the meantime, if you are in the mood for a good book, you can try:– The Modern History of Italian Wine by Walter Filipputti– Hidden Gems of Italy: An Insider’s Secret Formula To Find Top-Class Italian Wines At Value Prices And Taste La Dolce Vita by Tony Margiotta Additionally, you can discover the other wines from Piedmont.

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    Lessona DOC

    Lessona DOC: This red wine is produced in the Northern part of Piedmont in the Novara province. It is made with Nebbiolo (min 85%) which is called Spanna in that area.  We are working on this Lessona DOC appellation description.Please come back soon.Send us an e-mail if you are looking for more info atcheers@drinkitalian.com In the meantime, if you are in the mood for a good book, you can try:– The Modern History of Italian Wine by Walter Filipputti– Hidden Gems of Italy: An Insider’s Secret Formula To Find Top-Class Italian Wines At Value Prices And Taste La Dolce Vita by Tony Margiotta Additionally, you can discover the other wines from Piedmont.

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    Langhe DOC

    Langhe DOC: Langhe is a very important appellation and it takes the name of the whole area. For that reason, it is pretty big and it includes white and red wines. The white varietals are Arneis, Chardonnay, Favorita, Riesling, Nascetta, Rossese Bianco, Sauvignon. The red vatietals are Barbera, Dolcetto, Nebbiolo, Freisa, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Nero, Merlot. We are working on this Langhe DOC appellation description.Please come back soon.Send us an e-mail if you are looking for more info atcheers@drinkitalian.com In the meantime, if you are in the mood for a good book, you can try:– The Modern History of Italian Wine by Walter Filipputti– Hidden Gems of Italy: An Insider’s Secret Formula To Find…

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    Grignolino del Monferrato Casalese DOC

    Grignolino del Monferrato Casalese DOC: This red wine is from the Monferrato Area and it is made with min 90% Grignolino and max 10% Freisa. We are working on this Grignolino del Monferrato Casalese DOC appellation description.Please come back soon.Send us an e-mail if you are looking for more info atcheers@drinkitalian.com In the meantime, if you are in the mood for a good book, you can try:– The Modern History of Italian Wine by Walter Filipputti– Hidden Gems of Italy: An Insider’s Secret Formula To Find Top-Class Italian Wines At Value Prices And Taste La Dolce Vita by Tony Margiotta Additionally, you can discover the other wines from Piedmont.

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    Grignolino d’Asti DOC

    Grignolino d’Asti DOC: This red wine is from the Asti Area and it is made with min 90% Grignolino and max 10% Freisa. We are working on this Grignolino d’Asti DOC appellation description.Please come back soon.Send us an e-mail if you are looking for more info atcheers@drinkitalian.com In the meantime, if you are in the mood for a good book, you can try:– The Modern History of Italian Wine by Walter Filipputti– Hidden Gems of Italy: An Insider’s Secret Formula To Find Top-Class Italian Wines At Value Prices And Taste La Dolce Vita by Tony Margiotta Additionally, you can discover the other wines from Piedmont.

  • WINE

    Ghemme DOCG

    Ghemme DOCG: This red wine is produced in the Northern part of Piedmont in the Novara province. It is made with Nebbiolo (min 85%) which is called Spanna in that area. It can also include Vespolina and/or Uva Rara (max 15%) and other autorized red varieties. We are working on this Ghemme DOCG appellation description.Please come back soon.Send us an e-mail if you are looking for more info atcheers@drinkitalian.com In the meantime, if you are in the mood for a good book, you can try:– The Modern History of Italian Wine by Walter Filipputti– Hidden Gems of Italy: An Insider’s Secret Formula To Find Top-Class Italian Wines At Value Prices And Taste La Dolce…