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Drink Italian - The excellence of Italy (Wine, Spirits, Beer, and soft drinks)


Drink Italian is an ambitious project to promote the excellence of Italy in the Beverage Sector. The website would like to become the point of reference and a bridge between passionate consumers and the industry.

Enter our community and
enjoy the Italian Liquid Lifestyle

Wine, Spirits & Cocktails, Beer, Ready to drink,
and non-alcoholic like water, coffee, soft drinks, juices.
Plus the liquid delicatessen of the Extra Virgin Olive Oil
and the Balsamic Vinegar.

Editorial Mission

The website will include:
Educational content about Italian beverages
Stories of all the amazing craftsmen and women who every day bring to our palate the flavors of Italy
Interviews with Italian Taste Ambassadors all over the world
Places where you can drink Italian authentically
Travel Guides of Italy

Who we are – Enter the community

  • We are born in Italy, proudly drinking Italian from all the corners of the world. Most of us are actually not living in Italy at the moment and with the Covid emergency, we have been missing for a while (and we probably will not be back soon ☹)
  • We are of Italians origin, passionately exploring our ancestors’ culture through the taste
  • We are global citizens, Italian in our hearts and not in our blood, daydreaming of a glass of wine surrounded by vineyards or an aperitivo at the sunset in front of the sea

Why to follow us:

  • You will increase your Italian passion and knowledge of the authentic Italian products
  • You will travel with us all around Italy (and you will discover the best places to experience the Italian flavor also abroad)
  • You will learn about ingredients, traditions, craftmanship

Get as curious as you want: many of us are Beverage Industry Pros and we will answer your curiosities!

Contact Us – Drink Italian

For editorial questions, comments, pitches, or corrections, please contact:

For press releases, people news, and industry news, please contact:

For advertising inquiries, please contact:

For consulting inquiries, please contact:

Practice your Italian!

Andiamo a prendere l’aperitivo? Offro io!
Ti va un caffe’? o meglio un cappuccino?
Mi puo’ fare una spremuta d’arancia rossa di Sicilia?
Che ne dici di un Negroni?
Non vedo l’ora di degustare quel Brunello di Montalcino del 2015
Un altro giro, per favore!

Keywords – Drink Italian


  • assaggiare (to taste)
  • bere (to drink)
  • ordinare (to order)
  • prendere (to get/have/take)
  • provare (to try)
  • volere (to want, best used in the conditional tense when ordering)

Unita’ di misura:

  • un bicchiere (a glass)
  • una bottiglia (a bottle)
  • una caraffa (a pitcher)

Vino (wine)

  • rosso (red), bianco (white), rosato (rosé)
  • fermo (still), frizzante (semi-sparkling), spumante (sparkling)
  • dolce or fruttato (fruity/less dry), secco (dry)
  • leggero (light), corposo or strutturato (full-bodied)
  • una degustazione di vini (wine tasting)
  • una visita in cantina (a winery tour)

Birra (beer)

  • birra alla spina (on tap)
  • birra chiara (light/blond beer)
  • birra scura (dark beer)
  • birra rossa (amber beer)
  • birra artigianale (Artisanal beer)
  • luppolo (hops), lievito (yeast)

Alcolici (Spirits)

  • Aperitivo (Aperitif)
  • Spritz, Americano, Negroni (they are so famous!)
  • Un liquore (a liquor)
  • Un cocktail (A cocktail of course ?)
  • Una bevanda (a beverage)
  • Con ghiaccio (with ice)
  • Senza ghiaccio (without ice)
  • Un digestivo (a digestif)
  • Un amaro (an amaro)

Festa (Party

  • Un brindisi (a toast)
  • Salute / Cin cin (Sah-lutay / Chin chin)