Moscato Rosa

Moscato Rosa Wines from Moscato Rosa can be produced in Alto Adige, Trentino, Friuli Venezia Giulia and they are usually sweet from passito (dried) grapes, even if a slightly less sweet wines can be made with late harvested grapes.

We are working on this Moscato Rosa grape description. Please come back soon. Send us an e-mail if you are looking for more info at

Two of the best books about Italian grapes, where some of this information come from, are:
– Native Grapes of Italy, by Ian d’Agata
– Italian Wine Unplugged, by Steve Kim

Additionally, you can discover the other grapes from Piedmont.

Drink Italian Editorial team is composed by Wine & Spirits professionals who put their experience and expertise in this project. Please remember to look at our posts in instagram

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