Capriano del Colle DOC
Capriano del Colle DOC is a wine appellation from the province of Brescia. The denomination includes the following types: Capriano del Colle Trebbiano or even Capriano del Colle white; Capriano del Colle sparkling Trebbiano or even Capriano del Colle sparkling; Capriano del Colle red; Capriano del Colle novello red; Capriano del Colle Rosso reserve.
60% of Capriano del Colle DOC Bianco and Bianco Superiore is obtained from Trebbiano di Soave or Trebbiano di Lugana and / or Trebbiano Toscano, The minimum overall alcohol content is 12 degrees.
At least 85% of Capriano del Colle Trebbiano must be obtained from Trebbiano di Soave or Trebbiano di Lugana and / or Trebbiano Toscano. The minimum alcohol content is 11 degrees.
Capriano del Colle Doc Marzemino is the most representative wine of the territory and must be obtained from grapes from the Marzemino vineyards at 100%.
Capriano del Colle DOC Rosso is obtained from Marzemino, locally called Berzemino (min.40%), Merlot (min.20%), Sangiovese (min.10%), The minimum alcoholic content of Capriano del Colle Rosso is 11 degrees.
Capriano del Colle Rosso Riserva is the flower of the production of this area and is produced with the same grape variety indicated for Capriano del Colle Rosso, The minimum overall alcohol content is 12 degrees.
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– The Modern History of Italian Wine by Walter Filipputti
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