Fiano (fee AH no) is a grape grown in Campania and it is considered one of the best among the Italian white grape varieties. Nonetheless, it was almost lost until a producer brought it back to life in 1945. Its most famous wine is Fiano di Avellino DOCG. We are working on this Fiano grape description. Please come back soon.Send us an e-mail if you are looking for more info atcheers@drinkitalian.com
Falanghina is an ancient grape cultivated in Campania. Its name derives from the Latin Phalanx, a military formation of Roman soldiers. We are working on this Falanghina grape description.Please come back soon.Send us an e-mail if you are looking for more info atcheers@drinkitalian.com
Coda di Volpe Bianca
Coda di Volpe Bianca is one of the white grape varieties in Campania. The name translates as “Fox’s tail” and it refers to the shape of its bunches that are long and curled. We are working on this Coda di Volpe Bianca grape description. Please come back soon.Send us an e-mail if you are looking for more info atcheers@drinkitalian.com
Biancolella is definitely a grape who loves the sea. It can be found on the Ischia Island (Campania) and along Amalfi and Sorrento Coast, but also farther North close to Caserta. We are working on this Biancolella grape description.Please come back soon.Send us an e-mail if you are looking for more info atcheers@drinkitalian.com
Asprinio is a grape that grows in Campania, northern than Naples, close to the city of Caserta. Its name derives from the Latin Asper, which means tart, and it is often used in sparkling wines thanks to its acidity. We are working on this Asprinio grape description. Please come back soon.Send us an e-mail if you are looking for more info atcheers@drinkitalian.com Two of the best books about Italian grapes, where some of this information come from, are:– Native Grapes of Italy, by Ian d’Agata– Italian Wine Unplugged, by Steve Kim Additionally, you can discover the other grapes from Campania.